Last time we talked, Zone Conference had not yet occurred. But now it has and I am here to tell you it was AMAZING! I wish you all would have been able to go. The focus was on teaching for commitment and it was so great. My mission president is the best. Towards the end of the conference, he talked about Apostasy and how it happens personally before it happens in a group of people. He talked about how even Church members are able to lead us into Apostasy and how we need to be wary even of them (of course not the First Presidency, Quorum of the 12 or 70, or any of the General Auxiliaries, but some members can influence us to make decisions that could potentially lead us into a state of personal apostasy). I thought it was interesting that he talked about that, but it makes sense. There are some things members tell us here, that while they mean the best, aren't fully true. So we all just need to be wary.
Me and Sister Anderson. I just love her so much! She's amazing!
The day before Zone Conference, last Monday, it was our P-day and not serving in Bismarck we didn't know what to do. So we took pictures in front of the temple. We were doing the "High School Musical jump" and all of that using a timer. (Yeah, it was cold.) At this time, a man came up and offered to take a few pictures for us, and we got some great jumping ones. Only later did we realize that had been the temple president. Oh snap. How embarrassing!
I did find out also while at Zone Conference, there are 6 stakes and 1 district (a group of branches) in my mission. I'm pretty sure there's like 6 stakes in Bountiful! Weird. Elder Stewart got to bear his testimony at Zone Conference because this is is last one before he goes home. It's weird to be at the beginning of my mission when there's a lot of people around me at the end of their missions. It's an interesting perspective. We were also told that online proselyting is coming in the Spring! So that will be a new interesting thing. All missionaries will also be getting an iPad Mini. Times have definitely changed, and are continually changing!
We got to go to Burlington this week, a suburb of Minot with one of the Relief Society sisters in our ward this week and were able to contact a lot of people in that area! It was really good to get out there and meet the people there. Afterwards, we got dragged to Lunch Bunch, where a bunch of Relief Society sisters pick a restaurant and go out to lunch together. This sister we went to Burlington bought us lunch at that, and it was really great that we went actually because about halfway through, a lady came up to us and asked us where the church building was and what ward she was in and all that. She had just moved here from Utah and recognized Sister Jensen and I as Mormons and so could ask us where she needed to go. It was really cool to be able to help her.
Also, have you heard about the Typhoon in the Phillipines? It's crazy! The story of the missionaries there is amazing.
Duhn duhn duhn......Wednesday we had our first blizzard. We got 7 inches of snow and the driving was HORRIBLE.
But we made it and the next day got sandbags for our truck so we don't fishtail anymore. It's nice. And so it is officially winter! On Thursday, we were tracting in our glorious boots, and the high for the day was -5. It was very exciting (not). It's going to be a chilly winter for sure. But yeah. So it officially feels like the holidays! Speaking of, we have 4 dinner appointments for Thanksgiving! 4!!! How are we going to do it? We still have no idea. Not a clue. So we're just going to roll from appointment to appointment. At least we won't starve!
Danielle and Anthony are doing much better this week. They're back to their normal selves, which is awesome. They're still off date, but still progressing. They were at church last night and also fed us dinner yesterday as well. They made steak and potato soup, both of which were really good. They're so funny. But we love 'em. They are so fun to work with.
At church yesterday, we had 5 people at church!! 3 investigators and 2 potentials. It was awesome. SO much better than last Sunday! Not even a contest at all.
This week, we were visiting a less active member from Thailand and as we were leaving, I stood up to put my backpack on and suddenly she exclaimed: "Holy cow! You are the tiniest American I have ever seen!!" Haha I had no idea what to say besides "thank you", but I just thought it was cute. I won't be so small after Thursday. Ugh.
We also had a really good meeting with a part member family, which was a great experience. I think we helped him be more open and who knows, we might start teaching him! We'll see.
And there you have it! It was a bit of a slower week, but it was still great. We had a lot of cool experiences. I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving! Have that attitude of gratitude! (Moroni 7:41! Gratitude leads to more hope and vice versa. It's an interesting cycle. Study it!)
Sister Miller and I at Zone Conference. We were in the same MTC Zone.
My most beautiful Christmas wreath that I made with my snowflake mustache. Boom.
(Because nothing says "Merry Christmas" better than a snowflake mustache.)
Love you all!
sister leslie.