We went tracting on Tuesday and the first door we knocked was answered by a college student named Madi. Her best friend in the whole world is a member in 2nd ward. She invited us in and we talked to her for about 45 minutes, answering some questions about what we believe and teaching about the Book of Mormon. We are going to be starting teaching her soon! She is so excited to learn and we are so excited to teach!
This week we went on exchanges. Sister Peterson and I worked in their area, and Sister Manning led our area with Sister Osburn. It was so much fun to go with Sister Peterson. She is a great missionary! We had a lot of fun together and got to go tracting, try a lot of potentials, and teach together, so that was nice. Exchanges are awesome! Sister Manning and Sister Osburn got to teach Barbara, and it went really well! She is excited to know more and just wants to join God's Church.
Ashley is doing great! She is getting baptized this Saturday and we're finishing getting everything ready for that! She is getting so pumped and excited. It was so cute, last time we went over the baptismal interview questions and under the Law of Chastity, we taught her that the Prophet has asked us not to date until we are 16. Ashley did not like that rule, and she wasn't very happy when we told her that. We invited her to pray about it, and promised blessings, and left it there. A couple of days later, Sister Frei was talking to us ad mentioned to us that the day before at the Young Women activity, Ashley had excitedly told the girls she had just learned about the no dating until you're 16 rule, and as such had broken up with her boyfriend that day. What a great example for all of us! It reminds me of a quote I heard that some things may contradict our social or political views, but when we follow the commandments, we are innumerably blessed. She is one awesome girl! I'm so excited for her.
It has actually been HOT this week. I never thought I would say that, but in the matter of 2 days, it jumped from 30 degrees to 85, so it freaked all of us out. Well, Sister Manning and I live above a garage. It gets pretty hot up there. For the first few hot days, we just turned on a fan we found in the cubby and hoped it would help. It didn't really, though, and so we asked the Noel's if we could put in the AC. Let me tell you, I am so grateful for the AC! It is a wonderful invention! So now we're not dying every time we're inside. Success!
This week, we went to stop by Karla as we haven't seen her in a while. She let us right in, and started talking to us. She looked really happy, back to her normal self. She told us of an experience she had last week where she was driving home from Stanley and she had her 2 little ones with her, she wasn't wearing a seat belt. It was dusk, and the next thing she knew, she had hit a deer in their small car. She had been driving 85 MPH. Luckily, no one was seriously hurt. What it did do for Karla, however, was change her perspective. She realized that life is short and you never know what moment is going to be your last, so you must be prepared. She wanted to call us the next day, but didn't, so she was so excited when we came by. I almost started crying with joy as she told us she wanted to start up the lessons again. I was further touched when she then explained that she is putting together her daughters' baby books and taking pictures with people that have been important in their lives, and she asked us if we could have a picture with each of them. Of course, we were honored. We were able to teach her yesterday, and we just had a simple lesson. We watched a Mormon Message and read part of a Conference Talk. But it was what she needed. We're going back over on Friday. The Lord can soften anyone's heart!
This week at Sacrament meeting, we had Ashley, Shirley and Barbara all there. It was great to see Shirley there are she just came on her own. Barbara is so excited for us to come again tomorrow to teach her about the Plan of Salvation. It is such a blessing to be working with someone who has such real intent. Ashley looked radiant as always. She's also starting to look more comfortable there at Church, she's making friends with the girls and is loving it so far.
Because of Elder Ballard's talk this past conference talk about following up, I want to take a second and ask, What have you been studying in Preach My Gospel? Elder Ballard asked the missionaries to tell their family and friends what they are studying, and for their families to do the same. So, this week I have been studying all over the place a little bit, but I did a really great study in there yesterday. On page 95 of Preach My Gospel, there is a great personal study on prayer. It really helped me to change my outlook on prayer and how meaningful it can and will be when we do just simple things, such as pray with real intent, have faith, and pray for specific things, not general whatnots. So, what have you been studying? Your turn!
With the increase in heat has come a bajillion bugs out of nowhere. It actually is humid here (which is odd)but there are clouds of bugs everywhere, which makes life exciting. Yesterday, Sister Manning and I were doing 12 Week Training and suddenly saw a HUGE wasp flying around our apartment. You may laugh, but we both freaked out. Sister Manning is a hater of all bugs, everywhere, and I'm just not too fond of flying, stinging things. So we went downstairs to borrow a fly swatter. They couldn't find one, so we found some butterfly nets instead. Ivy, Sister Manning and I eventually got it (midst some screaming and jumping and throwing the nets). The 4 little ones (see picture) were downstairs cheering us on. Ha it was quite the adventure. We have titled it The Great Bee Hunt.
Last night we went tracting, and the first door we knocked on belonged to a woman named Helda. She is from England and is in her late 70s. We ended up talking to her for an hour, about the gospel, and how good God is to us, and she was telling us great life experiences she has had. One thing in particular she said the stuck out to me is that God loves all of us equally and requires of us the same. Loving all of God's children equally includes loving ourselves as much as we love others. Not more--we're not supposed to be conceited and prideful, but we must learn to love ourselves as the Child of God we are and recognize our strengths as well as our weaknesses. We're hoping to go back in a couple of weeks. She took our card with our name and number on it, and told us she was going to keep it safe in her Bible. That was a big honor. :) She gave us a big hug and a kiss on the neck when we left. It's awesome the connections you can make with people!
I think that about sums up our week! I hope all is going well wherever you may be and that you are getting involved in the Lord's work!
Until next week!
sister leslie.