This week, I don't have as many awesome stories to tell you, but I do have a few!! Always! There are always exciting things that happen in daily missionary life.
First off, the little boys we teach home primary to, the Winterton's, now know all the words of Book of Mormon Stories, the primary song and it is SO cute!! They are 4, 3 and 2 and they rock it! Next time we're over there and I'm going to try and record it. :) Hopefully they like the camera! This just shows that even little kids can learn and retain things, you just have to be persistent!
We had exchanges this week again, and I went to 6th ward's area with Sister Bentley and it was so fun!! We got to talk to some very interesting people and have some fun experiences. We talked to the daughter of a less active who is addicted to pain so she tattoos herself, but she has messed up on almost all of her tattoos, so she's not happy with them. That was a fun conversation. A member kidnapped us and took us to Starbucks to get us double chocolate chip soy frappucinos and then had us watch the prairie dogs that are in the middle of the city as we drank them (don't want to go tracting while sipping on Starbucks! It gives off the wrong impression.). We also met with one of their investigators who had polio when she was a baby, so she is paralyzed from her arms down. That was sad. But the gospel does bring her hope! SO that is always awesome. It was a really fun exchange, and very productive. Sister Bentley is an awesome missionary and I love her lots! It was fun to spend a whole day with her! But I did missed Sister Woodbury, because she's awesome. :)
Our phone broke this week so that's ridiculous. We can no longer receive text messages, which you wouldn't think would be a big deal, but it is! We have to call everyone and it is so inconvenient! We're calling the mision office today to work on getting a new!
Because our phone has been lame, we haven't had very much communication with Jessica. Which is NEVER good! The last text we got from her pretty much was "My dad said I can't be baptized until I'm 18". So we were freaking out! She cancelled our lesson on Friday, couldn't make it to the General Women's Meeting on Saturday and wasn't there on Sunday at Church!! We were freaking out! We stopped by yesterday after church and found out she had actually gone to a different ward, so that was a bonus. But it doesn't look like she will be getting baptized anytime soon, which we are SO bummed about!!! I almost started crying right there in front of her, but I didn't. And it's only because I care for her and want her to feel the peace and the joy that comes from being a member of the Lord's restored church. So we are going to continue meeting with her and we will see what we can do to continue to help her along the path of conversion.
Remember that lady Tracy we did service for? We got in with her on Saturday and met with her for a few minutes and invited her to the General Women's Meeting, and she CAME!!! That was AWESOME!! We are meeting with her officially tonight to teach her the restoration and we are PUMPED! she is so cool and we are excited to work with her. :)
Speaking of the General Women's Meeting, if you haven't watched it yet, whether you are a member or not, it is very much worth your time!! Here is the link so you have no excuses to not watch it: conference/sessions/2014/10?& lang=eng So there you go! Go watch it!
We have been making a big emphasis on getting to know more members in our ward, and it is going well! We have some AWESOME members here who are so good at helping us out! Like yesterday, for example: we were walking in the dark and trying to get to a member's house to get a ride when some members saw us as they were driving and they pulled over and rearranged their kids to give us a ride. So know we are being taken care of. :)
I hope you all have a great week! I LOVE you!! :)
sister leslie.