So, we had Transfer calls on Saturday, and Sister Burt and I got one, which we were surprised about (since we have only been together for 6 weeks). Sister Burt just left this morning to go to Sioux Falls (SD). I have been called as the new Sister Training Leader of the Casper Zone, and I will be serving with Sister Woodbury. For those of you who don't know what a Sister Training Leader is, I will explain: First off, it is the only leadership position a sister missionary can hold. So missions are divided into the following: Districts, which is usually 3-5 companionships that get together weekly and are trained by the District Leader on how we can improve our missionary work. Zones, which are made up of 4-5 districts. They are headed by a companionship of Zone Leaders and the zone is trained together monthly. There are 9 Zones in the mission. Next level is the Mission Headquarters. So me as the Sister Training Leader is the equivalent of a Zone Leader. I am over the sisters specifically, though, and I help them through more emotional needs than anything else. But once a month, I still train the zone with the Zone Leaders, so it's going to be an adventure! Not what I expected at all, but I am excited. Sister Woodbury surprised me by getting here today, we were expecting her on Wednesday! So that was fun. She's super cute and I love her already! She's been out for 6 months, and she's from Mesa, AZ. So I am way excited. So far, all my companions have been from different states! Cool beans! So this next transfer will be a fun one. :)
This week on Monday and Tuesday, Sister Burt went to Rapid City with the Zone Leaders to attend Mission Leadership Council, which is held once a month for all the Zone Leaders and Sister Training Leaders in the mission. I went with Sister Willis and Sister Jackson for those days, and the rest of the week was full of a lot of planning for Zone Training Meeting, which is a meeting the whole zone attends and The Zone Leaders and Sister Training Leader tell us what they learned at Mission Leadership Council earlier in the week. So that was fun. They did a really good job, though at Zone Training Meeting. Next time I attend one, I'll be the one training, so that will be weird! But oddly fun probably. We'll see!
The Kler's continue to be awesome, I love them so much. I feel like I can be myself around them, while still being bold. We were able to teach them about temples yesterday, and it was powerful! There is a sweet video about temples that explains them and lets you see the inside of the temples worldwide, and they thought that was really cool. (Watch it here at temples/temples-a- conversation-with-a-church- leader?lang=eng). They are actually preparing to go to the temple here soon, so that will be AWESOME! They will love it there. There really is no place more holy or special. The Spirit is so strong!! I'm so excited for them!
We got in with Teresa again this week! WOOHOO!! It went well! She is moving, so it's good we got in with her, so she has our number to let us know what her new address will be. So that was really cool that we could see her again. We still need to help her understand the need for baptism by the proper priesthood authority, God's priesthood authority, but we will continue to follow the Spirit to know how to help her.
The Winterton's are doing great! They are so sincere and really want to change, so it is awesome to work with them! They really notice the Spirit when it is there, which helps us out so much! I'm so excited to work with them more!!
Chris is doing really well. She was going to get baptized this weekend, but due to different things, we pushed it back to August 16th (I seriously CANNOT believe that August comes up NEXT WEEK! I have no idea where this year has gone!!). It will be better and less rushed. It was really cool, yesterday she came to Church and she had her prayers answered on some questions she was having, and it really strengthened her testimony that this Church really is true and this is with whom she needs to associate with, it was really powerful.
Sister Smith (see picture) took us this week to visit her neighbor and determine his interest level in learning more about the Church, which was really powerful. She has really been getting out of her comfort zone and trying really hard to do missionary work, which is great! Her neighbor wasn't interested, but it was still a cool experience.
So yeah, this week was awesome and super crazy, and it will be another fun week! I'm excited for the adventure of having a new companion and being Sister training Leader, it's going to be a great transfer!
Love you all!
sister leslie.
Sister Jackson, Sister Willis and I when Sister Burt was in Rapid City
Here is my glorious district:
From L to R: Sister Edwards, Sister Miller, Me, Sister Burt, Elder Edwards (One of the Zone Leaders), Elder Emmett, Elder Parrish (the other Zone Leader), Elder Lougy, Elder Telford, and Elder Wilkinson (The District Leader). Everyone is staying the same in our district except for the Sisters.
Sister Burt and I with the Kler family. Brother Kler is a Recent Convert, and we are teaching him
the lessons again. Sister Kler and Austin are both super legit. This family is rock solid!
Sister Burt and I this morning, Sister Burt showing her OSU (Go Beavs!) Pride!!
The Casper 4th Ward Missionaries: Sister Burt, Me, Elder Price, Elder Bell
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