Wow! I have the worst luck with being sick here! Last Tuesday, again we were in most of the day so I could sleep because I felt awful! And then, lucky Sister McConkie got it from me so she's just getting over it now. And, on exchanges, I passed it onto Sister Merrell! Wow! Yay for me. So that was the biggest adventure of the week.
I don't think I said enough last week about Sister McConkie. She has a bunch of neck problems that we've been trying to figure out, so for the moment we are going to the chiropractor a couple times a week, drinking crazy turmeric smoothies, I'm massaging her with a handheld massager thing, we go on a nice walk everyday, and I make sure she ices and heats it every day. It's quite the process every day! But if it helps her to not constantly be in pain, then it's worth it!!! So onward we are going and onward we will continue. :)
We had exchanges this week, and I got to stay in Belle with Sister Merrell, it was super fun!! She is a really good missionary, and she actually trained Sister McConkie, so that was a pretty fun thing! We had a great day, mostly helping 2 less-actives, Leslee and Teresa, clean out their backyard and clear out a woodpile infested with spiders. I just have some type of animal/insect contact every day. Maybe that's why I'm always sick here: its from one of the sheep! Darn.
We actually only met with Corbin and Sylver once this week, on Pi day! March 14, 15 was pi day because pi is 3.1415. So, we went over for dinner there and had chicken pot pie and blueberry pie to celebrate the occasion. It was awesome and now I can officially say I have celebrated Pi day to the fullest extent I can (while being an obedient missionary, of course!), so that is pretty darn awesome!! They continue to do well, although they haven't been keeping a lot of their commitments, so we're making that a focus in our next lessons! "If ye believe all these things, see that ye do them"! Name that scripture! (Hint: It's in the first 1/2 of the Book of Mormon!)
The other awesome things about this week is we got to go up to Alzada, Montana again!! We were supposed to meet up with Tim again, our investigator. But, he ignored us and "had to shear the sheep" or something, so we didn't actually see him. Which was a big bummer! But it turned out okay because we got to have a nice lesson with their daughter, Kelsie, who is less active. So it all worked out. But we hope to be able to teach Tim soon (or help him shear the sheep!!)!! But since we don't go to Montana that often, we took advantage of that opportunity and got pictures with all the state signs we saw: Montana, Wyoming and South Dakota! It was fun and adventurous! The pictures didn't turn out that great, but they'll work!!
We had 2 visits from Williston members this week who were woming through for various things that took us out, so I got to meet some cool members that love Sister McConkie! So that's always fun! Gotta love the members!!
We also attended a funeral this week for a woman who has been in the ward for many years, but in the nursing home for the last 3 or so. It was very evident who were members in the funeral and who were not, because of the way they reacted. All those present were sad, of course, but those who were members had a more hopeFUL look about them, while those who weren't members had a more hopeLESS look about them. It was very interesting. The knowledge we have of the plan of Salvation and especially life after death becomes a life line to us at those times. I don't know what I would do without having the sure knowledge that my family Is sealed together because of the temple. The gospel truly does bless our families!!
The scripture for this week: Alma 26:27. "Now when our hearts were depressed, and we were about to turn back, behold, the Lord comforted us, and said: Go amongst thy brethren, the Lamanites, and bear with patience thine afflictions , and I will give unto you success." This scripture is direct counsel given to missionaries in The Book of Mormon, but even though it was counsel given thousands of years ago, this verse has been the scripture I have turned to the most on my mission. There have been times on my mission where I have forgotten the Lord's promises to a diligent missionary, and at these times, I have come to this verse to get my mindset and attitude back on track. I have seen this work so many times! The times I have felt the most successful have been the times I have worked my hardest. That's no coincidence! That is an attitude I will strive to keep even after my mission, for it still applies!
I am so grateful for this time I have to serve the Lord, though it is quickly speeding by. It has really taught me to make the most of every day and to live every moment so as to have no regrets!
I love you all a ton!!
sister leslie.
Exchange with Sister Merrell (we switched back in Sturgis, the light up cross belongs to a church there)
Pi(e) day!!
Me and SoDak
Us and South Dakota
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